Cut out sugar for a healthier Washington


Millions of Americans have improved their health by cutting processed sugar from their diets. The Washington Legislature should follow their lead and cut sugar out of health care debates in our state.


The Kellogg Company profits from the sale of sugary cereals and snacks like Pop-Tarts® that create dental problems and other health issues for many children. Despite extensive medical research highlighting these risks, studies have shown that Kellogg’s and other cereal manufacturers continue to pitch products with high sugar content to children, using animated mascots, bright colors, flashy graphics, and other sophisticated marketing techniques.

At the same time, they have followed an advocacy playbook developed by other industries whose products raise serious health concerns, by:


 Despite Washington’s public disclosure laws, all of these activities can be undertaken by advocacy organizations in our state without disclosure that their funding for the efforts is coming from corporations or foundations affiliated with corporations. The state Public Disclosure Commission has indicated its intention to propose legislation to close this loophole.

Who is Big Sugar?

What’s the problem?  

Learn the facts.